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Browser Application Management?

Welcome to the website of the 'Blommers IT java HTTP Server Library'. This is an opensource java library (for java 1.4 or higher) that makes it possible to create a webbrowser enabled application. This means you can integrate a webserver in your own application with ease. Making it possible to configure or use your application in a webbrowser.


Since today the project is hosted @ sourceforge. This site is old and needs a makeover, with some tutorials etc.

BTW. The API Docs on this site are the latest available, for the V1.03 release!

Currently you can visit my weblog for more info http://www.gamecreatures.com/


The version before V1.03 are released unde rthe the Blommers IT - free software license. (This license is almost identical to the Apache license).

The version V1.03 and later are released under the Apache 2.0 License.